Departure Location - This trip leaves from MULTIPLE departure points so please be sure to note which departure location you select. This trip departs from our locations at 118th street (Food Lion Shopping Center) in OC, West OC location (12817 Harbor Road, Ocean City, 21842), and Ocean Pines Yacht Club (1 Mumford Landing Rd, Ocean Pines, MD 21811). PLEASE CAREFULLY SELECT YOUR DEPARTURE LOCATION.
Bathrooms – Our Bay Hoppers do not have bathrooms onboard. Our kiosk at our 118th street location in OC does have a bathroom you can use before departure.
What To Bring – Depending on the weather, you should dress appropriately. Things to consider bringing include sunscreen, some snacks, drinks, a sweatshirt, and camera.
Weather – Unless the weather poses a threat to the safety of our passengers (e.g., lightening, high winds) or the weather will make the trip extremely uncomfortable (e.g., heavy rain) the trip will proceed as scheduled. If the Captain decides to cancel the trip due to the weather, then you will be notified, and your money refunded.