Book Your Experience

What’s this? A trip designed specifically with your favorite family member in mind? Ever want to take your dog along with you on great adventures? Well now you can!

Introducing “Dog Day Afternoon,” our latest trip available on the OC Bay Hopper. Throughout the summer months, (and starting as soon as May!) we have partnered with local business “Doggie Style,” located on the Boardwalk, to bring an epic adventure forth for you and your best loyal…

A boat ride, a place for the dogs to romp on the beach and play a bit bayside, topped off with a special doggie treat and a return ride home- WOW!

This trip will depart from our 118th Street headquarters (next to the Food Lion) and then stop by and pick up more furry friends (and adult handlers) at Ocean Pines Yacht Club. From there, we will proceed down to our downtown marina stop and all passengers and animals will debark and head over to Holt’s Landing for a 30 minute romp.

Then, our trip will continue with a stop into “Doggie Style,” where dog treats abound! (yes, a dog treat is included in the trip)

After this stop, participants will get back on the OC Bay Hopper for a return to both Ocean Pines and 118th Street.

What a great day!

OC Bay Hopper Kiosk- 118th Street
Food Lion parking lot, 118th Street

Select Departure Location

Aligned with the goal of ensuring all OC Bay Hopper customers have a great experience, we will only run trips that are deemed safe by our Captains. Generally, the weather on the coastal bays of the Ocean City area is very pleasant but sometimes storms and thunderstorms do occur.

In the event that your trip is cancelled, you will receive a full refund. Sometimes, the weather conditions, particularly high winds causing choppy seas, will allow us to run a safe trip that is a bit unpleasant.

Our captains will always strive to let people know when conditions will be less than ideal and if conditions warrant a possible refund you may choose to not take the trip. (But sometimes those rough passages make for the best experiences!)


How Many Adult Seats?


How Many Youth?
(14 yrs and younger)

You are reserving seats on this trip, with the understanding that we might not operate it as scheduled. If the trip is canceled, you will receive a full refund. , we will commit to running this trip as scheduled.

If you would like us to "Lock In" this trip, you can pay an extra $30.